Ellen White: What did they say after reading her writings?

Cult expert - writings conform to the historic gospel
Walter Martin, American Evangelical minister, author, and Christian apologist who founded the Christian Research Institute. Although Walter Martin didn’t agree with everything Mrs. White wrote, his concluding evaluation was, “After reading the publications of the Seventh day Adventist denomination and almost all the writings of Ellen G. White, including her Testimonies, the writer believes that Mrs. White was truly a regenerate Christian woman who loved the Lord Jesus Christ and dedicated herself unstintingly to the task of bearing witness for Him as she felt led…Ellen White was true to the cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith regarding the salvation of the soul and the believer’s life in Christno one can dispute the fact that her writings conform to the most basic principles of the historic gospel, for they most certainly do". (Kingdom of the Cults, by Walter Martin. Bethany Fellowship, Inc., Publishers; Minneapolis, Minn. 1965. p. 360, 385)

Archaeologist and Biblical scholar - authentic prophet
William Foxwell Albright (1891-1971) was America’s—and perhaps the world’s—foremost archaeologist in the twentieth century and biblical scholar. In the 1950s one of his doctoral candidates at Johns Hopkins (the late Alger Johns) introduced Albright to Ellen White’s writings. His curiosity piqued, the famous archaeologist undertook his own investigation of the life, work, and claims of Ellen White. And in his book From the Stone Age to Christianity Albright named Mrs. White as one of five individuals whom he considered to be authentic “prophets” during the past 250 years.

German sociologist
Irmgard Simon, a German sociologist. In 1965, she published her doctoral dissertation in Münster, Westphalia. It dealt with Seventhday Adventists and Ellen White. She said, in part: She was without fear of men; courageous and consistent, she struggled within the movement to solve the many problems. She solved problems which the churches did not expect to see solved in many decades. Simon was unable to find adequate scientific explanation for Ellen White’s visions and remarkable experiences. She held the opinion that had Ellen White been a Roman Catholic instead of a Seventh-day Adventist, she might very well be canonized in due course!
Renowned scholar and teacher - the book was more than 50 years ahead of its times

Florence B. Stratemeyer, “Recently the book Education, by Ellen G.White, has been brought to my attention. Written at the turn of the century, this volume was more than fifty years ahead of its times. And I was surprised to learn that it was written by a woman with but three years of schooling. The breadth and depth of its philosophy amazed me. Its concepts of balanced education, harmonious development, and of thinking and acting on principle are advanced educational concepts. The objective of restoring in man the image of God, the teaching of parental responsibility, and the emphasis on self-control in the child are ideals that the world desperately needs.”

Director of social education - I was profoundly moved by the book

Professor Tsunekichi Mizuno of Japan’s Tamagawa University (and formerly head of the Tokyo Museum of Science and director of social education for the Japanese Ministry of Education) recommended Education to parents, teachers, and students. He called it “most profitable reading in our understanding of the ‘New Education.”- “Education, written with the inspired pen of Ellen G. White, has for fifty some years been a well-known book which has rendered the greatest possible service and joy to students, teachers, and parents the world over. When I was studying at the University of Illinois, it was my privilege to read the book in its original language. I was profoundly moved by the book at that time and it has been my desire ever since to recommend it to the educators in Japan. It is my sincere joy to hear that the book has been finally translated into the Japanese language.” Cited in Notes and Papers, pp. 314, 315.

Radio broadcaster - such profound understanding of the subject of nutrition

In 1960 Paul Harvey, American Broadcasting Company news commentator and United Features syndicated columnist, wrote a 16-paragraph article featuring Ellen White. It began: “Once upon a time, a hundred years ago, there lived a young lady named Ellen White. She was frail as a child, completed only grammar school [actually, she never really finished the third grade], and had no technical training, and yet she lived to write scores of articles and many books on the subject of ‘healthful living. Remember, this was in the days when doctors were still bloodletting and performing surgery with unwashed hands. This was in an era of medical ignorance bordering on barbarism. Yet Ellen White wrote with such profound understanding of the subject of nutrition that all but two of the many principles she espoused have been scientifically established.” From Lima, Ohio, News, Aug. 11, 1960

Nutrition researcher - verified to an unusual degree by scientific advances

Dr. Clive McCay, who taught the history of nutrition at Cornell University, received a copy of Counsels on Diet and Foods from an Adventist graduate student. He was astonished at what he read there, each statement identified by the year of its publication. For any given year, Dr. McCay knew who had been writing on nutrition and what they had written. "Who was this Ellen G. White," he asked, "and why haven't I heard of her before?". Note a portion of his summation at the end: "To sum up the discussion: Every modern specialist in nutrition whose life is dedicated to human welfare must be impressed . . . by the writings and leadership of Ellen G. White. He further stated, “In the first place, her basic concepts about the relation between diet and health have been verified to an unusual degree by scientific advances of the past decades. Someone may attempt to explain this remarkable fact by saying: `Mrs. White simply borrowed her ideas from others.' But how would she know which ideas to borrow and which to reject out of the bewildering array of theories and health teachings current in the nineteenth century? She would have had to be a most amazing person, with knowledge beyond her times, in order to do this successfully! . . . Clive M. McCay, "Adventist Health Teachings Further Confirmed," Review and Herald, February 26, 1959, p. 10. A reprint of all three articles is available from the Ellen G. White Estate.

Attorney at law -  I would much rather appear as defense counsel for Ellen White

Vincent L. Ramik, a prominent and respected copyright attorney in Washington, D.C., noticed this power. In 1981, in the midst of the newly-reborn plagiarism charges, the General Conference legal office (the Office of General Counsel) used privately-donated money to hire Ramik to research the case law and the literary evidence to see whether Mrs. White was guilty of plagiarism, literary piracy, or copyright infringement. Ramik, a Roman Catholic, spent some 300 hours reviewing cases and reading the literary evidence. In addition to examining the critics' case, he sampled what he called "a great cross section of her books," even reading The Great Controversy all the way through. On the legal matters, he concluded, "If I had to be involved in such a legal case [regarding charges of plagiarism, piracy, and copyright infringement against Ellen White], I would much rather appear as defense counsel [for Ellen White] than for the prosecution. There simply is no case!".. "I, personally, have been moved, deeply moved, by those writings. I have been changed by them. I think I am a better man today because of them. And I wish that the critics could discover that!" "There Simply Is No Case," interview with Vincent L. Ramik, Adventist Review, Sept. 17, 1981, p. 6, emphasis his. A reprint is available from the Ellen G. White Estate.
