Did you know that our doctrines are so Christ centered that we need not preach any other way? Let me share with you this concept. Every nation has a flag. America has flag. That flag stands for something. When you look at that flag it is supposed to represent what? Freedom, liberty, justice for all. Even though those words are not on the flag, that’s what it represents. The cross is heavens flag. It is the blood stained banner. So the devil understands if everything revolves around the cross, all he has to do is to manipulate the meaning of the cross and He’s got a people in his hand.
In Ephesians 2:11-19, the bible tells us that the cross has broken down the middle wall of separation between Jew and Gentile. Cross says there is no distinction between Jew and gentile.
Therefore, this theology that places Israel, in a particular end time scenario that God has a special and a separate plan for them and the rest are his step children; this partition, the middle wall of separation is actually Anti-cross. Do you realise that? When you look at the cross what do you see? No more middle wall of separation. In building up that middle wall of separation, christians effectively deny the very things the cross stands for. When you share this with your friends, ask them, do you believe in the cross? Do you realize what the cross accomplished? There is no more separation between Jew and Gentile. Don’t you realize what you are saying is actually denying what Jesus Christ did on the cross? Do you want to deny Jesus Christ? It is no longer, do you want to deny what I just told you is true. Do you believe in Jesus, that’s what I want to know? If you believe in the cross, then there is no way one can possibly accept this teaching. (Source: Based on the Audio sermon titled The Cross and the Three Angels Messages by Ivor Myers)
See also: Israel Issues