How does Islam fit into the picture of end time events? The following is based on Walter Veith’s video presentation titled Islamic connection. Click here to see the original video.
The Nights Templars had two aspects to their religion. To the outside world it was Catholism. But the inner circle was Luciferianism (Satanism). Is it possible that the same thing is happening in the Islamic faith? Is there an inner circle and an outer circle?
It is a known fact that the PAGAN Rome gave her power to PAPAL Rome (the Catholic Church). Catholism though portraying itself to be bibilcal Christianity is plagued with the doctrines of PAGANISM. Why does Islam seem to have its roots springing up from the same PAGAN roots? Who gave rise to whom? Let’s explore and see some fascinating similarities between Catholism/paganism and Islam.
Some backround for you before we proceed. Mohammed fled to Medina in 622 A.D after Khadijah's death. Mohammed married her when he was 25 and she was 40. Her (Khadijahs) cousin was a Roman Catholic and she came from a Roman Catholic convent. And the Koran was compiled in 650 A.D. Here we go:
- Where does name Allah come from? Encyclopedia of Religion mentions that Allah is a pre Islamic name corresponding to the Babylonian god Bel (Baal).
- Millions of Muslims make PILGRIMAGE to Mecca to worship at the shrine of Mohammed. Another religion that propagates PILGRIMAGE is Catholism. Pilgrimage is a grand sign of PAGANISM!
- Why do Islamic women wear dresses in a manner, as do old fashioned catholic Nuns wear? Could it be the influence of Khadijah?
- Symbols of Islam are the sickle moon and the star. Catholism uses the same symbol with a half moon with a star or sun in it. The symbols existed before Islam. Hittites used the same symbol. Osiris (the male, active or generative powers of nature) represented Sun in Egyptian lore. Isis (female passive or profile, powers) represented Moon. They are grand PAGAN symbols!
- Mary, the mother of Jesus is depicted as coming out of a CAVE in Catholism. Ancient pagan deities came out of a CAVE. Loyala, the Jesuit priest received revelations in a CAVE. Mohammed received his revelations in a CAVE.
- Monasteries are built on high ground and, high places were used for pagan worship. In the same amnner, Cathedrals are built on PAGAN sites; for instance the Vatican. How come Cathedrals and Mosques sit next to each other in Islamic countries? For instance, Luxor temple is a pagan site where homosexual rituals were carried out. Did you know that a mosque is located right inside the Luxor temple? A Roman Catholic Church resides right beside the temple of Baal in Lebanon.
- The oldest Mosque in Damascus contains a shrine. Muslims pray to the relic of the dead. What’s so special about the shrine? It is believed that it contains the head of John the Baptist. Roman Catholic Church has a shrine with the arm of John the Baptist. Did you know that the prayers to the dead are a symbol of PAGANISM?
- Inside a Mosque, it is the men who get the central position and not the women. What is the other religion where men are supreme? Priest hood only for men in Catholism!
- Catholics pray using beads and rosaries! Did you know that the Muslims too pray using beads?
- In Islam, the “All seeing eye” represents protection. The same symbol is used in Catholism. This is the oldest and the widespread symbol denoting god. This is found in Egypt (Osiris), India (Shiva). Shiva denotes destruction and is equivalent to Osiris which is a symbol of (who?) SATAN.
- Islam teaches an eternally burning Hell where the wicked will be tormented forever. Catholism teaches the same which is once again of pagan origin!
The Nights Templars had two aspects to their religion. To the outside world it was Catholism. But the inner circle was Luciferianism (Satanism). Is it possible that the same thing is happening in the Islamic faith? Is there an inner circle and an outer circle? In both religions, the inner circle is Luciferianism (Satanic). However, the outer circle (common Muslims) have no idea about this! (Please see the Video link above to verify the source and the facts mentioned).
The Nights Templars had two aspects to their religion. To the outside world it was Catholism. But the inner circle was Luciferianism (Satanism). Is it possible that the same thing is happening in the Islamic faith? Is there an inner circle and an outer circle?
It is a known fact that the PAGAN Rome gave her power to PAPAL Rome (the Catholic Church). Catholism though portraying itself to be bibilcal Christianity is plagued with the doctrines of PAGANISM. Why does Islam seem to have its roots springing up from the same PAGAN roots? Who gave rise to whom? Let’s explore and see some fascinating similarities between Catholism/paganism and Islam.
Some backround for you before we proceed. Mohammed fled to Medina in 622 A.D after Khadijah's death. Mohammed married her when he was 25 and she was 40. Her (Khadijahs) cousin was a Roman Catholic and she came from a Roman Catholic convent. And the Koran was compiled in 650 A.D. Here we go:
- Where does name Allah come from? Encyclopedia of Religion mentions that Allah is a pre Islamic name corresponding to the Babylonian god Bel (Baal).
- Millions of Muslims make PILGRIMAGE to Mecca to worship at the shrine of Mohammed. Another religion that propagates PILGRIMAGE is Catholism. Pilgrimage is a grand sign of PAGANISM!
- Why do Islamic women wear dresses in a manner, as do old fashioned catholic Nuns wear? Could it be the influence of Khadijah?
- Symbols of Islam are the sickle moon and the star. Catholism uses the same symbol with a half moon with a star or sun in it. The symbols existed before Islam. Hittites used the same symbol. Osiris (the male, active or generative powers of nature) represented Sun in Egyptian lore. Isis (female passive or profile, powers) represented Moon. They are grand PAGAN symbols!
- Mary, the mother of Jesus is depicted as coming out of a CAVE in Catholism. Ancient pagan deities came out of a CAVE. Loyala, the Jesuit priest received revelations in a CAVE. Mohammed received his revelations in a CAVE.
- Monasteries are built on high ground and, high places were used for pagan worship. In the same amnner, Cathedrals are built on PAGAN sites; for instance the Vatican. How come Cathedrals and Mosques sit next to each other in Islamic countries? For instance, Luxor temple is a pagan site where homosexual rituals were carried out. Did you know that a mosque is located right inside the Luxor temple? A Roman Catholic Church resides right beside the temple of Baal in Lebanon.
- The oldest Mosque in Damascus contains a shrine. Muslims pray to the relic of the dead. What’s so special about the shrine? It is believed that it contains the head of John the Baptist. Roman Catholic Church has a shrine with the arm of John the Baptist. Did you know that the prayers to the dead are a symbol of PAGANISM?
- Inside a Mosque, it is the men who get the central position and not the women. What is the other religion where men are supreme? Priest hood only for men in Catholism!
- Catholics pray using beads and rosaries! Did you know that the Muslims too pray using beads?
- In Islam, the “All seeing eye” represents protection. The same symbol is used in Catholism. This is the oldest and the widespread symbol denoting god. This is found in Egypt (Osiris), India (Shiva). Shiva denotes destruction and is equivalent to Osiris which is a symbol of (who?) SATAN.
- Islam teaches an eternally burning Hell where the wicked will be tormented forever. Catholism teaches the same which is once again of pagan origin!
The Nights Templars had two aspects to their religion. To the outside world it was Catholism. But the inner circle was Luciferianism (Satanism). Is it possible that the same thing is happening in the Islamic faith? Is there an inner circle and an outer circle? In both religions, the inner circle is Luciferianism (Satanic). However, the outer circle (common Muslims) have no idea about this! (Please see the Video link above to verify the source and the facts mentioned).