Jesus is a created being?

Does Jesus have a beginning or is He created?

If there was one reason more than another why the Watchtower produced the New World Translation, it was not to uphold the Deity of Christ or the Godhead. However, the truth is still in the very translation they have produced. Let's see what happens when we allow the scriptures to explain themselves!

Following are 4 primary texts used by Jehovah witness’s to show that Christ was created. They are:

1- Only begotten (John 1:14)
2- First born of all creation (Colossians 1:15)
3- Beginning of Creation (Revelation 3:14)
4- Jehovah himself produced me (Proverbs 8:22-31 )

Is Jesus created? Is that what the bible really says?

Christ is called the only begotten [monogenes] Son (John 1:14, 18; 3:16, 18; 1 John 4:9). Is it a literal begetting of Jesus?

John 1:14 So the Word became flesh and resided among us, and we had a view of his glory, a glory such as belongs to an only-begotten son from a father; and he was full of undeserved kindness and truth.

But notice that Isaac is called the only begotten son of Abraham. Was Isaac the only (literally) begotten son of Abraham?

Hebrews 11:17 By faith Abraham, when he was tested, as good as offered up Isaac, and the man that had gladly received the promises attempted to offer up [his] only-begotten [son]

In the book of Hebrews, Isaac is called the only begotten son, but Isaac was not the only son of Abraham. But rather, Isaac was the unique son and the only son of promise. The term only begotten therefore emphasizes not on the birth aspect but on the uniqueness of the son.

Christ is called the first born of all creation (Colossians 1:15). Is Jesus the first created?

Colossians 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation

However Jehovah says that He will place David as his firstborn. Now in what sense is David the firstborn?

Psalm 89:27 Also, I myself shall place him as firstborn, the most high of the kings of the earth.

David is the youngest and the eighth son of Jesse (1 Sam 16:10-11) . Then how can David be placed the first-born? David is the firstborn in the sense that he is most high or pre-eminent or sovereign of all the kings of the earth. Therefore the firstborn is not the first in time, but the first in rank or position!

Do you need more proof? See also the following - First is not first!!!!

Gen 41:50-52 And before the year of the famine arrived there were born to Joseph two sons, whom As´e·nath the daughter of Pot·i´phe·ra the priest of On bore to him. So Joseph called the name of the firstborn Ma·nas´seh, because, to quote him, “God has made me forget all my trouble and all the house of my father.” And the name of the second he called E´phra·im

It is clear that the firstborn of Joseph literally was Ma·nas´seh and not E´phra·im! But here is what Jehohvah says:

Jer 31:9 For I have become to Israel a Father; and as for E´phra·im, he is my firstborn

The firstborn of Isaac was E'sau and not Jacob (Israel):

Gen 25:25-26 And after that his brother came out and his hand was holding onto the heel of E´sau; so he called his name Jacob. And Isaac was sixty years old at her giving them birth.

Here's what Jehovah says:

Ex 4:22 And you must say to Phar´aoh, ‘This is what Jehovah has said: “Israel is my son, my firstborn"

In the above texts, the time element “first” was ignored. What was important was only the special rank and dignity of the person who was called the “firstborn.” In the case of Jesus, the term first born also refers to his exalted, most high position and not to a point of time at which Jesus was born.

See also:

1 Chron 26:10 And Ho´sah of the sons of Me·rar´i had sons. Shim´ri was the head, for he did not happen to be the firstborn but his father appointed him as head

Note: Although Shimri was not the firstborn, his father made him first.

Further the Greek word for "first created" is the word Protoktioti. If Paul wanted to say Christ was the first created being, he would have used this word but he does not. He uses another term, Prototokos. Paul is referring to the Jewish use of the word first-born which not only means first one born but also is used as a title of sovereignty and pre-eminence.

The phrase firstborn is also sometimes used in a figurative sense meaning the strongest of its kind. Job 18:12, 13 speaks of a disease that was the "firstborn of death." It was the strongest of its kind. Isaiah 14:30 refers to the "the firstborn ones of the lowly ones," that is, the poorest of the poor.

Jehovah Witnesses also believe that no one except Jesus was raised to immortality in the scriptures. Is Jesus the firstborn from the dead to live eternally?

Colossians 1:18 and he is the head of the body, the congregation. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that he might become the one who is first in all things

In 1 Kings 17:22, we find a child being raised to life:

1 Kings 17:22 Finally Jehovah listened to E·li´jah’s voice, so that the soul of the child came back within him and he came to life.

Now, it may be true that she was not raised to immortality!! Is there any person who was raised to immortality? And the answer is yes!!!

Jude 9 But when Mi´cha·el the archangel had a difference with the Devil and was disputing about Moses’ body

Matthew 17:3, 4 And, look! there appeared to them Moses and E·li´jah, conversing with him

Yes! Moses was raised to live eternally! (See: No man has ascended to heaven? ).

But some say that Moses and Elijah appeared only in a vision, therefore Moses did not appear literally! So were Peter and others asleep when this took place?

Luke 9:32 Now Peter and those with him were weighed down with sleep; but when they got fully awake they saw his glory and the two men standing with him.

Well, it’s not a vision, Moses was truly resurrected!

In this passage (Col 1:15-20) the term “firstborn” is used twice. As Jesus is the firstborn of creation so he is the firstborn of the dead. The second phrase, which explains the first, makes it clear that the issue is not birth. Jesus was raised from the dead but not literally born from the dead. Second, he was not the first in a temporal sense. Others were raised before Him. He was first in the sense that all resurrections whether past or future were and are dependent on His resurrection. Without His resurrection no other resurrection is possible. Verse 18 shows what that means, namely “that he might become the one who is first in all things.” As in Psalm 89 so here too, being the “firstborn” is associated with having supremacy.When the term is applied to Jesus and does not refer to his birth by Mary, “firstborn” points to Christ’s exalted position as the supreme king and ruler of the universe and does not suggest that he has been created or has emanated from God in ages past.

Therefore the usage of firstborn is not first in time is further proved by the fact that Christ is not the only one to rise from dead to live eternally!

The term prōtotokos therefore points to the special rank and dignity of the firstborn. However, being the first or being born is not always stressed. This is the case in Colossians 1:15. The text and the immediate context (Col 1:15-20) show that Jesus is the image of God. He has created all things. Therefore, He Himself is not created. He is the Redeemer in whom all things have been reconciled to God. He is the One who holds all things together. In Colossians 1:16-17, we find the word OTHER being inserted in the NWT to indicate that Christ created all others things after he was created by God. (The Greek/English Interlinear Translation of this passage that the Watchtower Society published reads “because in him it was created the all (things) in the heavens and upon the earth. . .). According to John1:3 If ALL things came into existence through him, then he (Jesus) cannot be created. Further, if apart or without Christ not even ONE thing came into existence, then Jesus cannot be created!

Jesus is called the beginning of creation by God Revelation 3:14. Does that mean Christ has a beginning?

Revelation 3:14 And to the angel of the congregation in La·o·di·ce´a write: These are the things that the Amen says, the faithful and true witness, the beginning [arche] of the creation by God

The Greek word arche means "beginning,""origin," "first cause," "ruler," "authority," "rule." The New World Translation . . . makes the exalted Christ refer to himself as 'the beginning of the creation by God." The Greek text of this verse . . . is far from saying that Christ was created by God, for the genitive case, tou Theou, means 'of God' and not 'by God' (which would require the preposition upo). Actually the word arche [beginning, origin, first cause, ruler, authority, rule], translated 'beginning,' carries with it the idea that Christ is the origin, or primary source, of God's creation (compare also John 1:3, apart from him not even one thing came into existence).

Christ is not the first thing created, but rather the One responsible for beginning the creation of God. You know how when a person first suggested, then planned and raised funds to build a new hospital. Then one would call that person the ‘beginning’ of the new hospital—he began it. He was not the first stone laid, nor the first patient in it; he was the person responsible for it. So it is with Christ, the Creator.

The Society says that John’s use of the word “beginning” “always” has the meaning of “beginning.” But at Revelation 21:6 and 22:13, John quotes God Almighty as stating that He is “the beginning and the end.”

Revelation 21:6 And he said to me: “They have come to pass! I am the Al´pha and the O·me´ga, the beginning and the end. To anyone thirsting I will give from the fountain of the water of life free.

Why is Jehovah God called the “beginning”? Since this passage teaches that Jehovah God is the “beginning,” does this mean that Jehovah God had a “beginning”? Obviously, Not! So, what is Jehovah God the “beginning” of? Isn’t it obvious that He is the “beginning” of the whole created universe? Since Jehovah is the “beginning” of His creation, does this prove that Jehovah Himself had a “beginning”?If Jehovah God is called the “beginning” of the created universe and He is not regarded as being part of what He began (Rev. 21:6), why can’t Jesus be called the “beginning” of creation and He not be regarded as being part of the creation which He began?

The scriptures clearly declares that God is from eternity and so is Jesus. See below:

God is from time indefinite and from long ago

Psalm 93:2 Your throne is firmly established from long ago;You are from time indefinite

Jesus is from time indefinite and from long ago (early times)

Micah 5:9 And you, O Beth´le·hem Eph´ra·thah, the one too little to get to be among the thousands of Judah, from you there will come out to me the one who is to become ruler in Israel, whose origin is from early times, from the days of time indefinite

Proverbs 8:22-31 “Jehovah himself produced me as the beginning of his way, the earliest of his achievements of long ago.” It is argued that this passage refers to Jesus and teaches that Jesus was either born or created.

The context speaks about wisdom, not Jesus. The personification of the divine attribute of wisdom begins in chapter one: “Wisdom itself keeps crying aloud in the very street. In the public squares it keeps giving forth its voice.” (1:20). In chapter seven wisdom is called “my sister”; “Say to wisdom: You are my sister..” 7:4. Wisdom also lives together with shrewdness; yet another personification (8:12).

If wisdom had to be created (was “produced”) are we to conclude that Jehovah God had NO wisdom until He created it?

It is obvious that God wouldn’t be God if there was a time when He was without wisdom. Therefore, we must recognize that wisdom is just as eternal as God is. In fact, the same Hebrew word translated “everlasting” or “time indefinite” (owlam) which is used to express God’s eternal nature at Psalm 90:2 is used to express the eternal nature of wisdom at Proverbs 8:23. Thus, if Jesus is “wisdom” personified, then Jesus must be as “eternal” as Jehovah God is!

Let's see the context of Proverbs 8:22:

Proverbs 8:12I, wisdom, I have resided with shrewdness and I find even the knowledge of thinking abilities”.

Wisdom is identified as “I” in Proverbs 8:12 and it is the same wisdom which is identified as “me” when Proverbs 8:22 says, “Jehovah himself produced me”. Personified wisdom is also the topic in Prov 9:1-5. To apply these passages to Jesus requires an allegorical method of biblical interpretation that leads to positions incompatible with other passages. It should also be noted that no verse of this passage is ever quoted in the NT. This text, therefore is not a literal description of Christ, but a poetic personification of wisdom, poetically saying that God "got" His wisdom before He did anything -- i.e., that God has always had wisdom.

The personification of wisdom is a literary device which occurs also in other parts of Scripture. In Psalm 85:10-13 we have “loving kindness and trueness” meeting each other, “righteousness and peace” kiss each other and “righteousness itself will walk”. In Psalm 96:12 “the open field” is joyful, and “all the trees of the forest break out joyfully, before Jehovah” (See also 1 Chron 16:33; Isa 52: 9; Rev 20:13-14). This kind of allegorical language is not to be interpreted literally. Personification is a literary and poetic device which serves to create atmosphere, and to enliven abstract ideas and inanimate objects by representing them as if they were human beings.”

Proverbs 8:22-31 which contains poetic imagery therefore needs to be carefully interpreted. The first phrase in verse 22 can be translated, “The Lord possessed me (KJV, NIV); “The Lord created me” (RSV, NEB); or “the Lord begot me” (NAB). Basic meaning of the verb qanah is “to purchase, to acquire” and hence “to possess” but the other two translations are possible. Apart from qanah two other words refer to wisdom’s origin: nasak “to establish or installed” (8:23), and chil “be born or brought forth” (8:24, 25). The basic thought in this passage is always the same; wisdom was with God before creation began. Whether God created her or whether she was begotten or simply possessed is not the focus. What is central is not the manner of her origin but rather her antiquity and precedence within God’s creation. Since the language is poetical and metaphorical, it should not be used to establish anything concerning Christ’s supposed origin. Christ is the Jehovah God in the bible & there was not a time that He did not exist.

See :

An Angel called Jehovah

Answers to objections against Christ's Diety

Godhead: How biblcal is it?

ANGEL of Jehovah not Jehovah?